Installing Winter CMS with Laravel Sail

Learn how to install Winter CMS with a local Docker environment.

Laravel Sail is a command-line interface for interacting with a local Docker development environment. It helps you get started by automating the process of setting up the web server and database. These instructions teach you how to use Sail and Winter CMS together to get up and running.

Getting started

The instructions to install Sail will differ depending on your operating system. Also a different build URL is used to install Winter CMS. By default this URL only installs the base environment with a MySQL service.

Replace example-app with any directory name and this is where Winter CMS will be installed.
curl -s "" | bash

With this different URL in mind, get started by following the specific Laravel guide for your operating system.

Once everything is ready, you are prompted to run these commands to start the web server.

cd example-app
./vendor/bin/sail up

Next, open another console window, navigate to the same directory and run this command to install Winter CMS. The database settings are preconfigured and ready to go.

This command will migrate database and generate a random administrator password.
./vendor/bin/sail artisan winter:up

After the installation is complete, open the website using the http://localhost address. You can login to the administration panel with the previous generated password.

See also

Laravel Sail Documentation